Rendered concept image showing the exterior of Dress Smart Auckland

Get ready for a new era of Dress Smart!

New Zealand’s first outlet destination is set to expand, offering an exciting new era for shoppers including new retailers, an enhanced food and beverage offering and increased carparking facilities.

A new three-level building will rise beside the existing Dress Smart Auckland outlet centre. Resource consent has been secured for Dress Smart Auckland redevelopment. This project will transform the adjacent carpark at 3 Paynes Lane and 45 Waller Street into an expanded retail precinct. The expansion will include a better connection between Dress Smart and the Onehunga town centre.

The centre will also go under a comprehensive ambience upgrade including; new flooring and lighting, new communal meeting and resting areas, improvements to general interior aesthetic and modernisation of the current carparking.

The centre of everything

Dress Smart Auckland’s Onehunga location is well positioned for retail growth. It sits in the centre of New Zealand’s largest city within a comprehensive business and industrial environment that’s growing every year.

The immediate residential population density is increasing, as apartments and housing developments pop up in the Onehunga area. Adjacent Central Auckland and East Auckland suburbs are also experiencing residential intensification, guided by Auckland’s Unitary Plan. Every month there are more shoppers living in the 25km radius around Dress Smart Auckland.

Onehunga has been selected by Panuku Development Auckland as a priority for transformation. This means revitalisation of the town centre, regeneration of the wharf area, more local connections by enhancing the walking and cycling experience, and fostering innovative residential housing solutions.

– Auckland Council
Concept render image of the updated centre interior
Architecture renders designed by Buchan Group
Rendered concept image showing the interior of the redeveloped Dress Smart centre
The Dress Smart Auckland redevelopment is set to transform the centre

25+ years of high performance retail

Opened in 1995, Dress Smart Auckland has helped our retailers grow and outperform their competition for over 25 years.

As the first shopping experience of its kind in New Zealand, our centre has programmed Auckland shoppers to pursue and embrace the outlet mall concept. Our strong mix of over 100 iconic brands attracts local, national and international visitors.

The numbers say it all

Shopping bag icon


Centre sales1,2,3,5

Icon showing a column graph with each column increasing in height


Average Sales PSM PA1,2,3,5

Icon showing a ruler next to a tall building

13,179 m2


Icon showing a key on a keyring



Icon showing two people


Foot traffic3

Icon of a car



1: All sales figures exclude GST. 2: All sales figures exclude vacancies. 3: All sales and foot traffic figures represent moving annual total to 29 February 2024. 4: Number of tenants includes vacancies (if any). 5: Sales information comprises reported sales and sales estimates by Oyster Management Ltd. Sales information will not be complete where every tenant has not reported sales and where Oyster Management Ltd has not estimated sales for every tenant who has not reported sales.

Trade area

10km from airport

Dress Smart Auckland is approximately 10kms from Auckland International Airport and around 12kms from the Auckland City Business District (CBD). It offers easy access to State Highway 20 (SH20) and the Waterview tunnel.

25+ km main trade area

The main trade area extends 20 to 30km from Dress Smart Auckland to the east, south and west. It includes most of the Auckland urban area.

Trade area extends North 75km

Dress Smart Auckland’s total trade area includes all of Auckland and extends 75km to the north, 50 km to the south, and to both the east and west coasts of Auckland.

1.57m trade area population

Total trade area population is 1.57 million (2019). It includes 416,680 people in the primary sector and 1.12 million in the main trade area.

1.86m projected 2031 population

Total trade area population is projected to increase to 1.86 million by 2031, representing an average annual growth rate of 1.4% or 24,072 people.

Map showing the trade area of Dress Smart Auckland, including primary, secondary, and tertiary trade areas.
Map showing the trade area of Dress Smart Auckland, with population density information overlaid on top.

View population density

Auckland’s Isthmus topography makes Dress Smart on the way to Auckland airport for customers coming from Central Auckland, West Auckland, and North Auckland; and more accessible than the airport for much of East Auckland.

Trade area data source: Location IQ Trade Area Analysis Report August 2019

Centrally located

Dress Smart Auckland is located in an area with high population density, with easy motorway and public transport access to all main areas of Auckland.

Location benefits go deep and wide

  • Onehunga is an town centre that’s unique in character and spirit
  • New residential developments – Beachcroft Residences and Fabric
  • Flanked on all sides by intensifying residential suburbs
  • Easily accessed from Central and East Auckland
  • Local industrial and business zone is diverse and thriving
  • Proposed east-west motorway connection and light rail link from the airport to the Auckland CBD will further improve accessibility
Aerial photo of Onehunga (Auckland) showing Dress Smart and other points of interest, including travel times to Auckland Airport and Auckland CBD

*Approximate travel times only. Sourced from Google Maps.

Dress Smart Auckland growth

Timeline showing Dress Smart Auckland growth, from 1995 until 2022.
Timeline showing Dress Smart Auckland growth, from 1995 until 2022.
Photo showing the shop windows of several retailers at Dress Smart Auckland. Coach, Superdry, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, and Katsubi.

Our customers

Diverse, discerning and loyal to Dress Smart

Dress Smart has a unique proposition for shoppers, standing out for value for money and having a great range of stores and brands.

Most Dress Smart shoppers are coming from nearby (Auckland Central/East) and tend to be under 50 years and have higher household incomes.

Based on market research conducted by Colmar Brunton April 2021

Chart showing gender demographics of Dress Smart Auckland customers

Balanced split between male and female

Male 47%

Female 53%

Chart showing age demographics of Dress Smart Auckland customers

Full spectrum of age groups

18–34 37%

35–49 34%

50+ 29%

Chart showing income demographics of Dress Smart Auckland customers

Middle to upper income earners

Under $70k 20%

$70–150k 39%

$150k+ 21%

Chart showing cultural demographics of Dress Smart Auckland customers

All major cultural groups

NZ European 52%

Māori/Pacific Island 10%

Asian 36%

Chart showing location demographics of Dress Smart Auckland customers

Predominantly central and south

Auck. Central/East 53%

Auck. North/Rodney 10%

South Auck. 27%

West Auck. 10%

International stability

Lendlease is a globally integrated real estate company with a portfolio of well-established retail assets in New Zealand.

Headquartered in Barangaroo, New South Wales, Australia, Lendlease is committed to creating and investing in innovative and sustainable property solutions for future generations.

With a footprint including Auckland, Melbourne, Milan, Singapore and San Francisco, Lendlease creates communities, workplaces, infrastructure and urbanisation projects that help businesses succeed and communities to thrive.

Local credibility

Oyster Property Group is one of New Zealand’s leading commercial property and fund managers and is proud to have delivered results to tenants and investors for more than 20 years.

With an experienced team of commercial property experts at the helm, Oyster manages a quality portfolio of retail, industrial and office assets throughout New Zealand valued more than $2.2 billion.

As property manager of choice for some of the world’s high-profile brands, tenants experience the benefits of Oyster’s hands-on management approach, and a team that is dedicated to ensuring properties meet their needs, both today, and into the future.

Oyster has a deep heritage in the retail outlet sector as the original owners of Dress Smart, and a proven track record of management results, integrity, and uncompromised excellence.

Talk with us

For all leasing enquiries, please contact:

Portrait photo of Vaughan Ludlam

Vaughan Ludlam

Head of Leasing / Licensee

M +64 21 333 261

Portrait photo of Miranda Dallow

Miranda Dallow

Retail Leasing Manager

M +64 21 357 649